The Modern Metagame: An overview of the most powerful Modern Decks
If you want to play the best Modern decks available, her is a list of great decks that will help you get there. These decks have a variety of play styles so that you can choose your deck for your next game.
1. 5-Color Humans:This deck uses the best humans available in Modern to win the game. With the help of Unclaimed Territory from Ixalan, this deck has foulnd away to boost itself to the top. Stay tuned this week for a deck tech article on this deck!
2. B/R Hollow One: Developed by Ken Yukihiro, at Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan, this deck has skyrocketed to the top, and continues to show good results. The point of this deck is to discard cards and get big creatures into play.
3. Jeskai Control: This deck is very strong and can also have variations. You can thve the Kiki combo and others to make this dek shine.
4. Mardu Pyromancer: This deck was developed by Gerry Thompson, and his second place finish at Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan. This deck uses cards like Mardu Pyromancer, Bedlam Reveler, and Lingering Souls to win the game.
4. Affinity: This deck with the addition of Karn, Sion of Urza, is still very powerful and uses artifacts to win the game.
5. U/W Control: This deck has always been great and it still is. You can have different variations of this deck that are good.
6. Jund: This deck has always been great because of it's midrange style and its ability to have mostly good matchups with powerful sideboards. This deck is very solid and has consistent draws.
7. Death's Shadow: This deck tries to get out a death's shadow as quick as possible and tries to utilize graveyard cards. It is a pretty solid deck.
8. Krark-Clan Ironworks: This is a cool artifact combo deck with Krark-Clan Ironworks and has been put on the map by (20) Matt Nass by winning 2 consecutive modern GP's with it. This deck is very hard to pilot so, I would not recommend it for everyone.