How To Play [Standard] U/W Control
This deck has been played to good finishes in the last couple GP's and I thought I'd show you how to play this great deck. In the previous standard, Blue/Black Conrtol was a very popular deck, because it ran Torrential Gearhulk, The Scarab God, and dealt with a lot of creatures/the energy decks. U/W control usually came with the Approach of the Second Sun decks, this deck is a long game deck designed to win with Teferi by decking the opponent. This deck is hard to play and I would recommend it for people who want a challenge. You can use your Instant and Sorcery spells to get rid of the opponents creatures and ultimate Teferi. If the opponent can't do anything, and you will eventually mill yourself out second, you will win. To get to this late game, try to take damage early, but try to Settle/Seal/or Cast Away all the annoying creatures from the other side. You can use Search for Azcanta and Pull from Tomorrow to generate card advantage and wipe the board. In control mirrors you need to try and win the pre-boarded games and then have sideboard tech. In a control mirror, card advantage is vital. Having these card advantage generators early will help you win the game so, try to have them in your opening hand. Good Luck!
Deck List:
2 Field of Ruin
4 Irrigated Farmland
2 Memorial to Genius
4 Glacial Fortress
7 Island
8 Plains
3 Cast Out
3 Seal Away
2 Search for Azcanta
1 Negate
2 Pull from Tomorrow
3 Blink of an Eye
4 Disallow
2 Syncopate
3 Settle the Wreckage
3 Essence Scatter
1 Commit // Memory
2 Fumigate
4 Teferi, Hero of Dominaria