How To Play [Standard] Abzan Hour
Abzan Hour?? Well, this abzan deck wants to ramp all the way up to Approach of the Second Sun and Masterminds's Aquisition. It turns out that late in the game the Acquisition can be great. It can get you your win-conditions like Zacama from your sideboard. If you need and approach fast, it can get you that too. Getting up to 7-9 mana is very important for this deck. It is where it wins. Don't keep a hand where you migh miss land drops. If you do it may be costly. The Approach of the Second Sun is great late in the game because it gains you life. Though this deck doesn't have that many card-draw spells you can wait by using Fatal Push, Settle The Wreckage, and Fumigate. You can also gain card advantage with Treasure Map. This deck is really fun to play with and I hope you have fun with it too!
Happy Ramping!