Predicting the Standard Format at PT Ixalan
Lets take a look at the possibe dicks that will make an appearence at PT Ixalan!
1. Temur Energy: This deck is 100% going to show up and will probable have a great winning record.
2. Black/Blue Control: This controlling deck is exactly what some players like and will almost defintly see play.
3. Ramunap Red: This deck is still good. It saw good play at the 2017 World Championships.
4. Blue/White Monument
5. Blue/White Approach
6. Mardu Vehicles
7. Azban Tokens
8. Esper or Black/Blue God Pharoh's Gift
9. Red/Black Aggro
10. Red/Green Ramp
These are going to be some of the popular decks but, there may be more. I guess we will have to wait and see.